By Courtney Deans
Starting our new school year online can be challenging for everyone. It’s a huge adjustment from the usual way school works and adapting to it is uniquely challenging for everyone, so here are a few tips to help you succeed in the online school semester. For starters, wake up on time. It's definitely hard waking up early to go nowhere but is very important to log in to all your classes on time each day in order to stay up to date on information that may not be posted. Another challenge is keeping up with all your assignments when they’re not tangible. If you struggle with this you can print them out and stick them to a clipboard to have ready for each class. If you don’t have access to a printer, no problem. You can also write the names and due dates of your assignments on a paper and keep it by your school device/supplies where you will see and be reminded by it. It also helps to do assignments as soon as you get them if you can to avoid the work piling up on you. Just because you have until Sunday night to turn it in doesn’t mean you should wait. Getting your work done early will leave a lot more free time during your entire week and hopefully leave an impression on your teachers so they think you're reliable and may give you an extension on other assignments when you need it. Lastly, remember that every grade counts. Always try your best on assignments but don’t beat yourself up if you don’t make the grade you hoped for. Assignments you do after that can help make up for that bad grade and cover it up, you can also work with your teacher to get extra credit or a makeup assignment. I hope these tips help you flourish this school year, and remember, don't pressure yourself too much. Everyone moves at their own pace and that’s ok.