It is finally summertime and it's time to be in the hot weather for the next two months. I had probably just gone into kindergarten so I was about four years old. I always enjoy the summertime, especially with my family. Most of the time it's just my brother, my mom and I. My dad is usually doing some type of running around and trying to get things down. The three of us still have fun though. When my dad comes through we have even more fun. The thing we do most of the time in the summer is going to the pool because that's when it's open. Usually, when we go to the pool I'd never drowned. It was a rare occurrence for many people. I couldn't swim though so it was bound to happen soon. You know how it is though, the pool is the pool. We always have indoor pools, but who would want to go to an indoor pool when outdoor pools have better attractions.
My mom is a great woman with nice brown skin and nice smooth hair who looks out for her family. Since the pools are open she would want to take us there every summer, and I enjoy it. It's always nice to have fun at the pool when you're with family. The only thing about her wanting to take us to the pool is that she wouldn't get in most of the time. She is always offering to take us places. Even if we don't go she would still go and just do something by herself. She is strong so she knows how to do things by herself. Even when she doesn't get in the pool with us we still have fun, but when she does we have more fun. If she doesn't get in then, she has her reasons. Like she is always working and she just wants to relax. Sometimes I would ask if she wants to get in and she would say “Maybe”.
Me on the other hand, I'm always ready to go into the pool. One day she said we were going to the pool and I was really excited. I just couldn't contain myself. So I was ready in a hurry and a few minutes later we left. My brother, dad, and my mom. The whole way I was a bag of excitement. Then my mom told me to “Settle down” because I was too excited to go to the pool. She just didn't want me to get out of hand. We finally got to the pool and settled in for the rest of the time and I was getting into the pool she was laying there in the chair.
I saw that this pool had a whirlpool and thought, “Maybe I should go into the whirlpool”, but I held off on that for a while. So in the meantime, I was just staying in the 2 feet area. At the age of you are not really that tall so that's where I stayed most of the time. It finally came time for me to go into the whirlpool and in my head, I thought, “This isn't too bad.” but when I lost balance, it was a different story. The whirlpool pulls you by itself but my small body couldn't handle that at the time and I couldn't swim. I started to struggle to try to maintain balance but I just couldn't.
Then I really started to panic. I yelled “Help! Help!” Of course, no one really heard me because my mouth and nose were both filled with water. A lifeguard finally came to get me out of the water. They pulled me up and carried me to the small part of the pool where my parents were, and I felt dead inside but I made it through. My family asked if I was “ok” but I was fine. Then I went back to my chilling spot in the pool and soon after we left and I never went back into the whirlpool until I could swim. When we got back into the car I told my mom all about the experience.
“You know mommy, it's a pretty scary experience almost drowning,” I say looking out the window.
“I bet it does,” My mom says. “What did it feel like?” She asked, sounding kind of frightened.
“Well losing air at a constant rate is pretty scary, because you don't know when you will run out of air.”
“But I kept trying to get out but I just couldn't get a grip on the pavement.”
“I'm just glad the lifeguard made it in time.” She said happily.
I'm actually glad that I got that experience because now I can swim very well. If I hadn't almost drowned I don't think I would still know how to swim. It motivated me to learn how to swim and be good at it. Sometimes being put in a life or death situation is good because it can teach you a thing or two. It can also help you be better at life.